Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness
2SLGBTQIA+ Health Guide
This resource guide was developed through a partnership between academic, hospital, and public libraries in order to support the information needs of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community as well as the healthcare providers, researchers, and policy makers involved in delivering and improving health services. This guide includes both digital and print resources from Dalhousie and other academic libraries, NSHA and IWK Libraries, and Halifax Public Libraries, as well as links to publicly available resources, organizations, and services. This is a living and responsive resource that is frequently updated to serve and reflect you and your needs.
Canadian Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedias
Your own national encyclopedia, The Canadian Encyclopedia, is a one-stop shop for information about all things Canadian—people, historical events, geography, culture, and more.
Cochrane Library
Get informed about your health. The Cochrane Library has several databases packed with high-quality, independent summaries of health-related research, including systematic reviews of available evidence on a variety of topics—plain language recaps included.
Directory of Open Access Journals Magazines & Newspapers
Browse or search this index of more than 1,000 peer-reviewed Open Access academic journals and periodicals. This comprehensive list includes publications from around the world and covering a variety of subjects.
Gale General Reference Centre Encyclopedias Magazines & Newspapers
Access more than 100,000,000 articles on a wide range of topics from academic works to homework help for kids. The Gale Reference Centre gives you one-stop access to resources about more than 20 subjects including agriculture, biography, business, communications and mass media, criminal justice, health and wellness, pop culture, interactive science and much, much more.
Health and Wellness Resource Center
Access a wealth of information on health-related topics including fitness, pregnancy, diseases and conditions, treatments, and prescription drugs.
Health Reference Center Academic
Access periodicals and reference materials on nursing, allied health professions, and general personal health.
Nova Scotia Health Authority Patient Education Guide
ProQuest Magazines & Newspapers
This comprehensive collection of Canadian and international periodicals covers multiple subjects, with millions of full-text records:
- The Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database includes more than 700 trade publications, more than 500 scholarly journals, 483 magazines, as well as news reports, radio and television transcripts, dissertations, and more.
- The Canadian Major Dailies database archives news from 24 national and regional newspapers including the National Post, the Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette, and the Chronicle Herald.
This collection also includes select international publications.
Access note: Your permanent digital library card number is required to access the ProQuest database. A temporary digital library card number will not work.
Statistics Canada Data
Access Statistics Canada's main socioeconomic database (formerly called CANSIM). Updated daily, this unique resource provides access to a large range of the latest statistics relating on a variety topics including: Aboriginal Peoples, agriculture, business performance and ownership, construction and housing, culture, demography, domestic and international trade, education, energy, environment and natural resources, finance, health and social conditions, income and wealth, justice, labour, manufacturing, prices and price indexes, transportation, travel and tourism, and more.