Volunteer in Your Community: English Conversation Groups

Captain William Spry Public Library

Spryfield is seeing an increased number of newcomers and folks seeking to learn English as a second (or third) language, and the Library is here to help! Our English Conversation Groups provide a welcoming space for community members to practice their English language skills, meet new people, and learn about life in Nova Scotia.

This incredible resource is maintained by dedicated volunteers who spend a few hours a week facilitating these conversation circles. We like to keep the conversations fun, relaxed, and engaging for everyone. Topics can cover anything from local attractions, to sharing hobbies, to learning about each other’s cultures, and so much more.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, read on for further details.

Which branch can I volunteer at?

Captain William Spry Public Library, opens a new window is currently recruiting experienced volunteers to lead their English Conversation Groups.

What can I expect as a volunteer?

Volunteers will work in pairs to facilitate conversations with groups of 10 people or less. If you have a teaching or ESL training background, or have experience leading a group of this size, this opportunity provides you the chance to plan your own conversation topics and help your community members improve their English language skills.

What is the time commitment?

The program runs from September to June. At least a 3-month commitment is required at the start.

The sessions will take place in-person at Captain William Spry Public Library, opens a new window. The timing is every Thursday from 10:00-11:30am, but volunteers typically stay 30 minutes following the session for a debrief.

An additional hour a week may be needed to plan for your sessions ahead of time. Volunteers can expect a commitment of 3 hours per week.

How do I sign up?

Head over to our Volunteer page, opens a new window to learn more and apply.

Multiple positions are available, so spread the word!


If you have further inquiries, please email cwsconversation@halifaxlibrary.ca.