Halifax Public Libraries Labour Update

Halifax Public Libraries remains committed to intellectual freedom, equal access to information and technology, language learning and early literacy, and engaging programs for all ages – these are values we all share. 

Halifax Public Libraries recognizes that library closures are disruptive and have profound impact on our community.  

When did Library management and NSUPE, Local 14 start negotiating a new collective agreement?

Halifax Public Libraries and NSUPE, Local 14 met to exchange proposals on October 17, 2023, and have bargained together for 55 days up until June 27, 2024.  The parties met with a provincially appointed conciliator on July 29 and August 25.  

What salary increase did Halifax Public Libraries offer NSUPE, Local 14 during negotiations? 

Halifax Public Libraries acknowledges NSUPE, Local 14’s concerns about rising costs of living and believe our final offer is fair to workers, and aligns with other union agreements representing public employees.  

Halifax Public Libraries offered employees annual increases of 3.5%, 3%, 3% and 3% each year over 4 years, with an additional $.25/hour raise in each of the second, third and fourth years, and a shift to a higher pay scale for some employees.

Over four years, this offer reflects pay increases between 14.73% - 31.94%, with the higher increases specifically addressing lower paid positions.     

What are the wages for workers at Halifax Public Libraries?  

There are several different roles at Halifax Public Libraries and wages are based on the type of work and number of years in the role. The chart below shows the hourly rates and annual salary ranges for some of the most common library jobs. Both the 2022-23 year and 2026-2027 years are shown to compare current wages with the final year of the Library’s proposal.  

In addition to the base salary in the table below, Library employees also benefit from generous sick leave, vacation, pregnancy and adoption leave salary top up, flex health benefits, long-term disability, life insurance and a defined benefit pension plan. These employer paid benefits provide 12% -17% additional compensation added to the base wage (not represented in the table below). 






What else is included in Halifax Public Libraries' salaries and benefits?

In addition to regular wages, the employer provides or contributes toward additional benefits for employees. While not always immediately visible, benefits and pension contributions represent an additional 12% to 17% of compensation. 

At Halifax Public Libraries, paid benefits include:  

Flex Benefits - Health, Dental, Long-Term Disability, Life Insurance and AD&D Benefits 

Employees who are scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week are eligible to participate in the HRM Flex Benefit Plan. The Library cost shares the premiums by providing 1.93% of the employee salary and a lump sum amount that varies depending on the level of coverage selected. 

Pension Plan 

Full-time employees participate in the HRM Pension Plan.  The HRM Pension Plan is a defined benefit plan. With a defined pension plan, the employer promises to pay a regular income after retirement. Both the employee and the employer contribute 12.21% of wages per pay toward pension. 

Eligible part-time employees may opt to participate in the HRM Pension Plan.  

Leaves – paid and unpaid  

The Library provides all full-time and part-time employees with generous paid sick leave, family sick leave, paid vacation, pregnancy leave and adoption leave with top, WCB coverage with top up, paid bereavement, education leave, paid emergency leave and many other types of leaves. The details of leave provisions are available in the HPL NSUPE Local 14 Collective Agreement.  

The Library provides 97% wage top up top up for staff on pregnancy and adoption leaves – eleven weeks for adoption leave, and sixteen weeks for pregnancy leave.  

Bereavement leave has been updated with inclusiveness in mind to include a broader definition of family structure and provide more days off to grieve. 

The Library provides paid statutory holidays exceeding those that are mandatory under Nova Scotia labour standards. 

Have Library Workers gone on strike before?  

No, there has never been a strike or lock-out at Halifax Public Libraries.  

What happens during a work stoppage (strike or lock-out) at Halifax Public Libraries?  

During a work stoppage, community members can expect: 

  • All Halifax Public Libraries’ locations will be closed. 
  • All book drops will be closed during this period.  
  • Regularly scheduled programs will be cancelled. 
  • Room bookings will be cancelled.  
  • All library loans will be extended. Materials will be due when library service is resumed, and there are no fines or fees for overdue items.  
  • Our website www.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca will remain up to date. The website allows you to get a library card online, search the library collection, access digital services and check your Library account.  
  • Holds can be placed on materials via the website but will not be available for pick up. All materials on hold will be available when the Library re-opens. 
  • Digital services like Hoopla, Libby, Overdrive, Kanopy, PressReader and WIFI will be available.  
  • TeleAccess Service (490-5845) will be available. 

How many staff work at Halifax Public Libraries?  

Halifax Public Libraries has 340 unionized employees, and 38 non-union (administrative, human resources and management) employees.  

Halifax Public Libraries currently has 181 full time and 159 part time employees. In recent years, Halifax Public Libraries has made significant progress moving more staff into secure, full-time employment or part-time employment with enough hours to receive benefits. During the last collective agreement, the Library committed to posting part-time positions that provided access to benefits. The majority of part-time positions now qualify for benefits. 

Last updated: August 27