Interlibrary Loan: Photocopies Interlibrary Loan Photocopies Form Photocopies Items that are available within Canada can take between 3-6 weeks to arrive. "*" indicates required fields Periodical Title* Volume/Issue No.* Title of Article* Author of Article Pages(ie. 1-3, all) Published Date Source of Information Pickup Location*Select BranchAlderney GateBedfordBorrow by MailCaptain William SpryCentralCole HarbourDartmouth NorthHalifax NorthHomebound ServicesJ.D. ShatfordKeshen GoodmanMusquodoboit HarbourSackvilleSheet HarbourTantallonWoodlawnI am willing to pay loan charges up to*Please Select$5$10$15$20$25Library Card*14 digit number on the back of your card. Name* First Last Email* Phone*CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.