School-Age Kids
Reading is a superpower!
Learn to love and master this new skill and more.
Hang out at your Library
No matter what your kids' interest - art, science, music, cooking, movies, technology, crafts, video games - we have free programs and events, opens a new window to fuel their learning and creativity.
The Library is a space for kids to connect with friends and family, try new things, play games, read, relax, use technology, and get homework help. We’ve got lots going on.
Take home books, movies, and more
Looking for the latest popular series? New craft ideas? Amazing facts about spiders? We’ve got a huge collection of books, movies, magazines, and graphic novels to explore.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Pete the Cat and the Bad Banana
Meet us online
As a Library member, you have access to a variety of online resources for kids:
- Read and stream, opens a new window graphic novels, movies, and e-books.
- Share stories and play games, opens a new window that help build reading skills and confidence.
- Access a wealth of information to help kids learn about the world...and get their homework done!
Program support for elementary students
Everyone learns at their own pace. These programs off a variety of ways help kids get excited about reading and build their skills. Find the right fit for your child:
- Paws to Read®
- Leading Readers
- Children's Reading Support: 1-on-1 sessions at the Library