English Conversation Groups

English Conversation Groups

Do you want to practice English?

Join our free English Conversation Groups!

In English Conversation Groups, you will:

  • practice speaking English,
  • meet new friends, and
  • learn about the local community and culture.

These informal discussions are a chance to discuss topics of interest to you in a fun and relaxing atmosphere.

To get started, complete your English Conversation Group Participant Application form below and send to:

Tatjana Samardzic
Phone: (902) 817-6132
Email samardt@halifaxlibrary.ca

Check Back in the Fall », opens a new window

Note: English Conversation Group sessions are free and open to adult (ages 18+) residents of Nova Scotia.

Where and when

We are no longer accepting applications for this school year. Our programs will be taking a break over summer. We are looking forward to receiving your application in the fall, when our programs resume

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Virtual Sessions - FULL

Zoom Meeting
Tuesdays, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
For all levels
To register, email: aginfodesk@halifaxlibrary.ca

Tuesdays, 1:00 AM - 2:30 PM
For intermediate and advanced levels
To register, email: zoomconversation@halifaxlibrary.ca

Thursdays, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
For intermediate and advanced levels
To register, email: aginfodesk@halifaxlibrary.ca

In-person Sessions - FULL

Captain William Spry Public Library, opens a new window
Fridays, 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
For all levels
To register, email cwsconversation@halifaxlibrary.ca

Central Library
Thursdays, 10:00 PM - 11:30 AM
For all levels
To register, email centralconversation@halifaxlibrary.ca

Woodlawn Public Library
Tuesdays, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
For all levels
To register, email converse@halifaxlibrary.ca

Volunteers are needed, too

We are always looking for experienced volunteer facilitators for our English Conversation Groups. Learn more about volunteering with this program.

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