Your Library Wrapped 2021

As we wrap up the year 2021, we want to take a moment to look back on how you used your Library and celebrate some of the standout books, tools, and stats that helped make it shine. ⁠

Keep reading to reveal Your Library Wrapped, 2021!

Both online and in-person, our events topped the charts

  • Top-attended programs:         
    • Adults: Basic Income Now, with 197 attendees
    • Teens: K-Pop Trivia, with 53 attendees
    • Kids: Ghost Story Awards Ceremony, with 40 attendees
  • And, a special shout-out to our most popular event series:         
    • Kids: Storytimes and Puppet Shows
    • Teens: Mini-Con

In 2021, our collections were nothing to scoff at

  • Some authors topped our catalogue charts in terms of searching, holds, and borrows:

  • We had a whopping 1,604,496 items circulated across all branches.
  • You definitely had some favourite books this year:

  • From January to October, we did 1,032 home deliveriestalk about convenience!  
  • You also made great use of our Beyond Books collections:

You took full advantage of our wonderful E-Library

  • PressReader gave you all the worldwide news you needed:

  • With help from the Library and LinkedIn, you took learning to a whole other level with 5,648 hours of free skill-building on LinkedIn Learning
  • You loved our blog posts (like this one!):

You also shone on social

And, we can't forget all of the people that made this year special

  • You gave an average of 1,623 volunteer hours to the Library each month in 2021. 
  • This year, we received 11,227 new library card sign-upswelcome to the family!
  • From January to October, we had 1,058,742 people visit the Library—trust us, we counted.


That's a wrap! Thank you for making 2021 such an outstanding year—see you in 2022!
