Summer Book BINGO for Teens and Adults

Originally posted Summer 2023 for Central Library program. Updated June 2024 for all programs.

Are you a teen or adult who misses being able to participate in the Summer Reading Club? Then we have a program for you!

This summer, all Halifax Public Libraries branches will be offering a new summer reading program for teens (13+) and adults called Summer Book BINGO.

To get involved at your local Library, visit your closest branch or office to find out more and collect your BINGO card. Then, spend the rest of the summer filling in your squares and completing our cheeky challenges.

How it Works

The game is played by filling in squares on your BINGO card. One square may be an activity you've never tried before, or a book you've always wanted to read. Whether it's something new, or a familiar favourite, have fun with your challenges. And once enough squares are filled in, you get a prize!

Did you read a book by a Canadian author? That’s a square!

Did you read a poem or short story? That’s a square!

Did you read the back of a cereal box? Believe it or not, that's also a square!

BINGO cards and prizes vary by branch, so make sure to get all the details from a staff member when you are picking up your BINGO card at your local Library.

Lemonade Socials and Prizes

When you're ready to collect your prize, grab your BINGO card and attend one of our Lemonade Socials, opens a new window. We'll be hosting these throughout the summer at different branches for participants to gather, chat about books, and collect prizes.

Even if you haven't quite filled in your BINGO card, come by anyway! Summer Book BINGO is all about having fun. It's like a book club, except you can read whatever you want and even do activities outside of reading. Share your summer adventure of reading with us, or grab book recommendations from other participants, or plan which activity you'd like to hit next on your BINGO card.

Summer Book BINGO will end on August 31, 2024.

Have fun and happy reading!