Recommended on Maritime Noon (December 17, 2024)

“One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time.”

― Carl Sagan

Recommended Today on Maritime Noon (December 17, 2024)

List created by HfxPL_BlogLists

Every now and then, staff members from Halifax Public Libraries are pleased to join fellow library colleagues and literary enthusiasts on Maritime Noon to chat all things books. We share some of our favourites, and readers from the community share theirs too! This list compiles all the titles mentioned by librarian Erin (Halifax Public Libraries), store owner Meghan (Daisy-Mae Bookshop in Summerside PEI), and community calls and emails to the show, December 17, 2024. While the books listed here are all print editions, simply click to view their availability in other formats as well (e.g. audiobook, e-book). *Note: If a mentioned title is not available in our Halifax Public Libraries collection, we have linked to it below on GoodReads or other websites; and you are welcome to search for it via Interlibrary Loans.

Recommended by Erin

Recommended by Meghan


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