All Halifax Public Libraries outlets have non-circulating collections to meet the information needs of their users. Whenever possible, non-circulating materials will be transferred between branches, for a limited time period, to meet other branch users’ information needs.
The inter-branch loan (IBL) service is available to anyone with a valid Halifax Public Libraries library card.
Library patrons may have a maximum of two (2) active IBL requests at any one time.
Inter-branch loan requests for materials will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Designated library staff at the lending branch will approve or deny an inter-branch loan request for materials. Decisions will be based on demand for the resource at the owning branch and/or the ability to satisfy the information need via alternate means.
Before considering an inter-branch loan, other means of meeting the information need should be investigated, such as faxing, sending photocopies via inter-department mail and/or using similar resources.
The following materials will not be considered for transfer:
- Rare materials
- Fragile condition
- Magazines, serials and newspapers
- Uncatalogued government documents
- Duplicate circulating materials
- Ready Reference materials
- High demand materials
- Maps
- Microfilm
- Vertical/Information files
- CD or DVD formatted materials
Materials transferred between branches will be loaned for a period of up to fourteen (14) days.
Materials transferred between branches are for in-house use only.
Borrowing branches are resonsible for the care and timely return of IBL transferred materials.