Branch Service Managers
Hannah Colville | Senior Service Manager, Western District
(902) 490-6428 colvilh@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Janice Fiander | Senior Service Manager, Basin District
fiandej@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Cynthia Gatto | Senior Service Manager, Eastern District
(902) 490-2741 gattoc@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Kathleen Morris | Director, Central District
(902) 490-7171 morriska@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Jocelyn Covert | District Manager, Western District
covertj@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Alison Froese-Stoddard | District Manager, Eastern District
froesea@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Ken Williment | District Manager, Basin District
willimk@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Management Team
Åsa Kachan | Chief Librarian and & CEO | (902) 490-3991 |
Alison Lucio | Executive Assistant to the Chief Librarian and CEO Manager, Policy, Governance and Risk |
(902) 490-3991 lucioa@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Mairead Barry | Director, Strategy | (902) 490-5898 barryma@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Kevin Crick | Director, Information Technology | (902) 490-5764 crickk@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Megan Gainer | Director, Facilities | (902) 399-5617 gainerm@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Cathy Maddigan | Director, Human Resources | (902) 490-7107 maddigc@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Dave MacNeil | Manager, Collections and Access | (902) 490-2703 macneid@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Hannah Ching | Manager, Human Resources | (902) 237-9382 chingh@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Danielle Dungey | Assistant Manager, Halifax Central Library | (902) 490-5804 dungeyd@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Kaya Fraser | Manager, Program Design | (902) 490-3831 fraserk@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Heather MacKenzie | Manager, Volunteer Services | (902) 490-6789 mackenh@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Lori MacNeil | Manager, Wellness, Health and Safety | (902) 456-4737 macnelo@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Shannon McAllister | Manager, Finance | (902) 497-6690 mcallis@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Erin Morice | Manager, Collection Development | (902) 490-2704 moricee@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Darla Muzzerall | Manager, Research and Analysis | (902) 490-5795 muzzerd@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Buranda (Brandy) Skinner | Manager, Community Connection | (902) 471-2916 skinneb@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Hilary Skov-Nielsen | Manager, Programming and Events | (902) 490-5822 skovnih@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Laurel Taylor | Manager, Integrated Communications & Fund Development | (902) 490-5869 taylorl@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Pam Tracz | Manager, Learning and Development | (902) 237-5382 traczp@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Randolph White | Manager, Halifax North Memorial Public Library | (902) 490-5777 whiter@halifaxlibrary.ca |
Katie Wimmer | Manager, Space Planning & Design | (902) 497-0375 |
Vacant | Manager, Information Technology |