The Board

The Halifax Regional Library Board is composed of 11 members: 8 members who are appointed by the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM), 2 members who are appointed by the Province of Nova Scotia, and the Mayor of HRM, who is an ex-officio member.

Board members are trustees of a valuable public resource. The Board has financial accountability to the citizens of the community for the management and operation of the Library.

The Halifax Regional Library Board has a role to initiate and share in the development of the mission, vision, strategic direction, priorities and goals for the library system, working in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer, and ensures that appropriate library services are delivered in accordance with this direction.

The Board’s financial role is to oversee and approve the annual Halifax Public Libraries Operating Business Plan and Budget and Capital Budget Plan for referral to Halifax Regional Council for final approval. The Board has a role to oversee the Nova Scotia Provincial Grant, and will provide the annual audited financial report to the Minister responsible for Libraries, as well as the Halifax Regional Council. The Board is to ensure that the financial resources of the Library are managed and safeguarded in accordance with recognized accounting procedures and relevant legislation, and is to ensure that adequate funds are secured for the operation of the Library. The Board is to ensure that capital property and assets under its stewardship are properly planned for, maintained, protected, and replaced as necessary. The Board will ensure that an appropriate ethics framework is in place, provide risk oversight and effective governance.

The Board’s human resources role is to oversee the hiring and performance management of the CEO, and to ensure that the organization has employment policies that comply with applicable laws and regulations. The Board has a responsibility to ensure the CEO appropriately oversees human resources matters for the organization.

The Board has a role to represent and be an advocate for Halifax Public Libraries, its users, and its policies, and to initiate and maintain effective relationships with all levels of government and outside agencies in order to promote the Library and to provide appropriate stewardship and support donor relations.

As the governing body, the Board has a role to promote positive community relations and respond to public representations on policy matters, leaving operations matters to be managed by senior staff.

The Halifax Regional Library Board is a corporation that governs the Library in accordance with the Nova Scotia Libraries Act, which regulates regional library service in the Province.

Halifax Regional Library Board Bylaws

Contact us

You can contact any member of the Library Board via:
Halifax Public Libraries
Administration Office
60 Alderney Drive
Dartmouth, NS B2Y 4P8
Phone: (902) 490-3991


Ayo Aladejebi, Chair

Sue Murtagh, Vice Chair

Christian Browne

Mary Ann Rowlston

Laura Godsoe

Killian McParland

Jan Jensen

Laura White

Tony Mancini



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