Alderney Gate Lobby & Entrance Renovation
Alderney Gate Public Library: Temporary Renovation Closure
Alderney Gate Library will be closed from March 24 - April 11 to complete renovation work. Read more about service changes during this time.
The new lobby at Alderney Gate is a hit.
With renovations completed and the new seating area in the lobby open, staff report on the success of their first event in the new space.
We have a seat waiting for you
Alderney Gate's welcome spot in the lobby and entrance area is open and waiting for you.
Public Art & Plants for the Lobby
A lobby is a lobby until you add the colours of life to it. For Alderney Gate, this beauty will come in the forms of art, plants—and you.
Lobby Doors Open at Alderney Gate Public Library
The main entrance into the Library from 60 Alderney Drive has now reopened. How will you use the new community gathering space?
HRM's Alderney Gate Pedway Revitalization Project
The current renovation of the Library's lobby and entrance is phase 2 in a larger recapitalization undertaking by HRM. Read more about it.
Look for a New Street Entrance at Alderney Gate Nov. 1
We're once more redefining public spaces with a new building project at Alderney Gate Public Library, including a new entrance and lobby.
About the reno
Are you curious to know what's going on at Alderney Gate Public Library? Learn about our plans for a new entrance and other improvements.