By Teen Blogger, Stephanie | I’ve always been inquisitive about the subject of mythology, although I don’t know what exactly intrigued me. Perhaps it was from my childhood hours wasted re-watching the Disney film Hercules, or just the study of gods in general. I’m not surprised that I would read Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, as it tells a story about Percy Jackson, a young boy of age twelve, on his quest to catch the lightning thief...
Album Review: The Black Halo
By Teens
By Teen Blogger, Jonathan | The Black Halo by Kamelot was released on March 15, 2005, and nearly every review I could find of the album started with something along the lines of “is it too early to call this Album of the Year?” The fact that I’m not surprised in the slightest is probably a good omen.
Poem: The Beech Tree Talking To Me
By Teens
By Teen Blogger, Malk | I am someone / that likes to be out in the sun. / While I am out anywhere, a beech tree has branches that ruffle in the air. / Even though people don’t believe me, and they do not hear or see, / the beech tree is always talking to me. / It talks to me about what it saw, / about all the unfair law...
Album Review: An Airplane Carried Me To Bed
By Teens
By Teen Blogger, Jonathan | Adam Young, better known as lead singer, writer, producer, and - well, everything else - of the electronica act Owl City, is one of my absolute favourite musicians. He has the talent of being able to write songs that leave the listener with a complex mix of emotions, usually with happiness or peacefulness at the forefront and a bittersweet array of other feelings underneath. Some of the best examples of this can be found on the album An Airplane Carried Me to Bed, which he released under the alias Sky Sailing...
How You Brought Our Brand to Life: Part 2
It's our one-year brandiversary, and we're looking back with pride on the paper, pixels, and playfulness that have shaped the past year. In this, Part 2, we're exploring the ways you took our new brand and made it your own. Because that's what the Library experience is all about. Read Part 1 here Halifax meets…
In The Sunroom: Atlantic Canada – An Ocean of Diversity and Natural Beauty
Local Art in The Sunroom | The mysteries of our oceans are just below the surface of these stunning photos. From February 7, 2018 to April 7, 2018, photographs by Nick Hawkins are on display in The Sunroom at Central Library.
A Very Grand Re-Opening in Musquodoboit Harbour
We're open! Halifax Public Libraries and Halifax Regional Municipality are proud to invite you into your newly renovated Musquodoboit Harbour Recreation Centre and Library space. The Library, Community Centre, and Fitness Centre have been completely refurbished, creating a vibrant, modern, and accessible space for everyone. The upgrades include new heating, electrical, and lighting systems, accessible…
Poem: I Am From
By Teens
By Teen Blogger, Hannah | I am from Ethiopia the suffering despondency war-torn country / I am from a nation of many, who was always hungry / I am from a loving peculiar father who has sacrificed / Now he eagerly waits out of exasperation for his afterlife...
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